Case study

How Endorsed accelerates their sales process with Wolfia's security questionnaire automation

Endorsed x Wolfia
DescriptionAI candidate evaluation platform
HeadquartersSan Francisco, CA
80% reduction in security questionnaire completion time

As an early-stage startup in the competitive AI industry, Endorsed faced the challenge of responding to security questionnaires quickly and accurately to win their first enterprise clients. By implementing Wolfia's security questionnaire and RFP automation solution, Endorsed has dramatically streamlined their response process, enabling them to compete effectively with established players in the market.


As a new entrant in the AI-powered candidate evaluation space, Endorsed encountered several obstacles:

  • Spending up to 10 hours per week on security questionnaires
  • Struggling to maintain consistency across responses
  • Risking deals due to slow turnaround times
  • Diverting critical resources from product development and sales

With limited resources and a small team, manually responding to these inquiries was becoming a major bottleneck in their sales process, potentially hindering their ability to gain traction with enterprise clients.


To address these challenges and level the playing field with larger competitors, Endorsed implemented Wolfia's AI-powered security questionnaire and RFP automation solution. This platform enables Endorsed to:

  • Automatically generate initial drafts of responses to security questionnaires in minutes
  • Ensure 100% consistency in responses across different inquiries
  • Quickly compile relevant information from their policies and previously answered questionnaires
  • Customize responses to match their tone and level of detail
  • Update their security posture in real-time as their practices evolve

Wolfia's solution adapts to Endorsed's evolving security and compliance information, ensuring that each response reflects their current practices and policies, even as they rapidly develop and mature as a company.

Portrait of David Head
As a startup, every hour counts. Wolfia has been a game-changer in how we handle security questionnaires, allowing us to punch above our weight when competing for enterprise clients. We've seen a night-and-day difference in our ability to respond quickly and professionally to enterprise security inquiries.
David Head, CEO & Co-Founder, Endorsed


The implementation of Wolfia's security questionnaire and RFP automation solution has yielded impressive results for Endorsed:

  • Reduced average time to complete security questionnaires by over 80% (from 10 hours to under 2 hours)
  • Increased capacity to handle potential deals by 5x without adding headcount
  • Improved consistency in responses from ~60% to 99%, significantly enhancing their professional image
  • Freed up 15+ hours per week for the founders and early employees to focus on product development and customer acquisition

This transformation enabled Endorsed to:

  • Decrease security review turnaround time from 4 days to 1 day, allowing them to stay competitive in deal cycles
  • Reduce founder involvement in questionnaire responses by 90%, enabling more focus on strategic activities
  • Successfully engage with 3x more enterprise clients within the first month of implementation
  • Increase confidence in scaling sales efforts, projecting ability to handle 10x current inquiry volume
Portrait of David Head
Before Wolfia, responding to a single comprehensive security questionnaire could eat up a full day of our time. Now, we can turn them around in a few hours, allowing us to move much faster in our sales process.
David Head, CEO & Co-Founder, Endorsed

By leveraging Wolfia's AI-powered automation for security questionnaires and RFPs, Endorsed has transformed a potential roadblock into a competitive advantage. The solution has become an essential tool in their sales process, enabling them to compete effectively against established players in the market.

Key Differentiators

  • Speed: Wolfia's AI processes questionnaires 5x faster than manual methods
  • Accuracy: 99% consistency in responses, reducing errors and improving professionalism
  • Scalability: Ability to handle enterprise-level inquiry volumes without additional staffing
  • Adaptability: Real-time updates to security posture as the company grows and evolves

As Endorsed continues to grow in the competitive AI industry, Wolfia's solution plays a crucial role in enabling their success. By automating a critical but time-consuming aspect of the enterprise sales process, Endorsed can focus their limited resources on product innovation and building customer relationships, setting a strong foundation for future growth and establishing themselves as a serious contender in the enterprise market.

No more late-night questionnaire scrambles